Exceptional Self Care Changes Everything
How Does Reiki
Healing Work?
Reiki (pronounced “Ray-key”) is a simple healing technique that aims to balance the energy systems of the body. When applied correctly, Reiki unblocks energy pathways allowing a smooth, balanced flow of energy to all parts of the body. When in balance, these energy systems can lead to improvements in health, lower stress levels, and an overall feeling of well-being.
Because Reiki does not necessarily require physical touch, a well-trained practitioner can conduct “hand-off” sessions or even distance healing, curating each session to a client’s comfort level.
Licensed | Certified | Insured
Reiki Healing Sessions
Vibrational Sound Therapy
In a typical session, therapeutic grade singing bowls are placed directly on and around the clothed body. The bowls are gently and rhythmically struck with a padded felt mallet. The vibration invites the client into a deep state of relaxation. This state can induce better sleep, reduce chronic pain, and create a sense of emotional balance and healing.
Combination Session
Reiki combined with Vibrational Sound Therapy will help you de-stress and bring your body and mind into a state of homeostasis.
Sound Bath
An hour and a half experience, including refreshments, all supplies, gentle yoga stretches, guided meditation, reiki, and a live sound bath created with crystal bowls, gong, drum, chimes, etc. to guide one into a state of deep relaxation.
Reiki is a Form of Energy Healing
The word “reiki” is made up of the Japanese words “rei” meaning “soul” or “spirit” and “kei” meaning “vital energy”. Reiki is the practice of utilizing and balancing the soulful, spiritual, vital energy that exists not only in all living things, but all around us.